Your linguistic program is waiting for you.
Book your stay now, online.
Create your stay

Arrival day (by default sunday)
Departure day (by default on saturday)
Arrival options
Choose our shuttle service in order to avoid arrival problems.
Validate your stay
Recever votre devis par mail
1. Personnal informations
2. Payment

Check payment
Your order will be recorded bu tnot validated. You'll have to send us a bank certified check.

Secured payment by credit card
You can choose between pay the totality now or only a part of the total amount.

Bank transfer payment
If you choose a bank transfer payment, please send us a fax to +33 497 030 703 with the bank transfer proof.

Received your quote by mail

Your stay
Choose a course in order to get a price

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Cours (+ details):
Course start:
Course end:
Duration: week(s)
Leçons particulières:
Indvidual lessons :
- 1 lessons with 2 student = 40€/student
- 1 lessons with 3 students = 35€/student
- 1 lessons with 4 students = 30€/student
Contact us at
Hosting (+ details):
- Low season: =
- Middle season: =
- High season: =
- Normal price: =
- High season: =
Computation details: =
- Extra night(s): =
Course (+ details):
- Low season price: =
- Normal price: =
- Price: =
Transfer: Offert !
If you wish to arrive on Saturday at the central campus you must take a transfer to be able to get your keys
Administrative fees:
Administrative fees: Offert !
half-day excursion for free
Code promo: OK